Knocknoc Privacy Policy

This policy outlines the way Knocknoc Pty Ltd (the Company) collects, holds and discloses information about its customers and other individuals. We undertake to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (the Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).

By way of registering on our licensing portal, Knocknoc collects the following personal information:

  • name
  • email address

From time to time, the Company may have to collect sensitive information if it is reasonably necessary for the conduct of its functions or business activities. The Company will only collect sensitive information with the consent of the individual for it to be used, disclosed and stored by the Company in accordance with this Policy.

For what purposes does the Company collect, hold and use and disclose personal information?

The Company collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information to:

  • communicate with customers
  • provide marketing material by sending personal and bulk emails to customers

The Company may also disclose personal information when legally required to do so. The Company undertakes to take reasonable steps to protect all information that we hold (including personal information) from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or unauthorised disclosure.

All complaints against the Companyโ€™s use of personal information must be brought directly to the attention of the directors. To file a complaint with the OAIC, aggrieved persons will need to complete a complaint form available via