Knocknoc FAQs

Learn more about Knocknoc – the secure, identity-aware gateway that protects your network applications to reduce their attack surface.

About Knocknoc

Who is Knocknoc for?

Knocknoc is for any company that has Internet-facing applications or systems that would benefit from restricted access. Restricting access is the only way to ensure a reduced attack surface, and prevent hackers from hammering away on your sensitive applications or systems.

Knocknoc is designed to work with many web servers and load balancers immediately. It also has a flexible scripting backend, allowing for compatibility with almost any system. Knocknoc also utilises cross-platform agents with straightforward and simple networking requirements. From clouds to firewalls, Knocknoc has you covered.

Knocknoc can completely replace your VPN, allowing users to securely use protocols like SSH or HTTPS without exposing them to the internet. For others, Knocknoc works alongside their VPN, providing a more fine-grained solution than traditional VPNs allow.

Knocknoc is cheaper to deploy than VPNs and other zero-trust solutions, requiring no client side agent. Preventing zero day or “slow-to-patch” vulnerabilities speaks for itself – no one can afford to be hacked.

Knocknoc is an Australian start-up, founded by industry veterans with a combined four decades of experience deploying managed firewalls and web applications.

Getting Started

If you want to give Knocknoc a try, you first need to register on our licensing portal. You can get a free trial, or sign up for a license that suits your scale. From there, you can follow the documentation to install and deploy Knocknoc. Our cloud options make getting started a breeze!

Our friendly support team is here to help. Email, and we can start the conversation. Please email us from the email address you signed up to the licensing portal with, or at least CC this address in your request if you are having trouble logging in.

Free trial licenses have access to the Knocknoc documentation at all times. All other licenses are entitled to email and our team will assist. Many Knocknoc customers use a Partner for support, so please feel free to contact one of our qualified partners for professional services.

Technical Information

Internet-facing assets come in wide and varied deployment environments. Knocknoc is suited to any of these with its agent model, and flexible back-end technology. We support Linux, Windows and Docker, on x64, arm64, and many more options. If you are keen on Knocknoc, but not sure if it suits your environment, please contact us for a demo and we can discuss.

Everything you need is on This site is updated with the latest documentation often, with contributions from the Knocknoc team and partners. Be sure to check back regularly to ensure your knowledge is up to date.

All enquiries can go through Your Knocknoc Partner may assist with support or reseller queries, if you have one.

Great! Knocknoc is a mature product, battle-tested and flexible. We wouldn’t have reached this far without listening to customers and adapting to feedback. Please feel free to email feature requests to, and our team will let you know how we can assist making Knocknoc work for you.