Streamlining Remote Broadcast Operations

Streamlining Remote Broadcast Operations
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In the fast-paced world of broadcasting, a leading media company faced significant challenges in managing low-latency video feeds critical for their operations. Their existing infrastructure struggled with latency issues, particularly when it came to integrating custom Linux firewalls and managing UDP traffic over the internet. The use of VPNs was not feasible as the client-side computers did not support it, and the broadcasting talent often relied solely on iPads.


The company needed a solution that would allow their broadcasting talent to access video feeds with minimal latency, update router panels, and effectively contribute to television production. The key challenges were:

  1. Ensuring Low-Latency Video Streaming: High-quality broadcasting requires real-time video feeds without delays.
  2. Facilitating Easy Access on Various Devices: Talent often used iPads, which limited the use of traditional VPNs or complex software.
  3. Simplifying Equipment Needs: The goal was to reduce the amount of equipment required for broadcasting, allowing for greater mobility.


Knocknoc was deployed to address these challenges. The solution offered:

  1. Low-Latency Video Feeds: Integration with custom Linux firewalls allowed selective low-latency UDP traffic over the internet, ensuring real-time video streaming.
  2. iPad Compatibility: Knocknoc enabled broadcasting talent to access video feeds directly from their iPads, bypassing the need for traditional VPNs.
  3. Simplified Access to Broadcasting Tools: Talent could log in once to access all necessary tools for their job. This streamlined the workflow significantly.
  4. Fine-Grained Access Control: The broadcaster could monitor and control who accessed which video feeds and when, enhancing security and operational efficiency.


  1. Enhanced Broadcasting Quality: The low-latency solution improved the overall quality of the broadcast, making live productions smoother and more professional.
  2. Increased Mobility for Talent: Broadcasters could easily move between sites without the burden of additional equipment, thanks to the simplified access via iPads.
  3. Efficient Resource Management: The ability to track and control access to video feeds led to better resource utilization and security.
  4. Streamlined Workflows: The single login feature for accessing all tools, and the automatic revocation of access post-shift, made the broadcasting process more efficient and secure.

Future Prospects:

The success of this implementation has led the broadcasting company to consider expanding Knocknoc’s use to other areas of their operations, looking to further enhance efficiency and security in their broadcasting processes.

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